How To Identify Your Flatware Pattern

Flatware could, arguably, one of the most used items in a household. From your everyday set of stainless flatware to a precious set of heirloom sterling silverware you might need to find a replacement piece or want to expand your set. The first step in this process is to identify the maker and pattern of the flatware you want to purchase.

Usually, the maker mark is stamped on the underside of most common pieces, excluding knives, which sometimes has the mark on the blade. Once you have identified the maker, you will want to go to and find your maker under the “Silverware” category.

They have an extensive catalog of patterns for each maker with easily identifiable photographs. It is a bit of a process to search from page to page for your flatware, and you will find that they made many very similar patterns with only a few minor modifications. Once you identify your pattern, you can either choose to purchase directly from Replacements, or you can go over to eBay and find your pattern much easier. We find that you can usually find a much better price-per-piece on eBay. I hope this article was helpful in assisting you to find your pattern.

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